Sam Van Aken is associate professor in Syrcuse
University’s art department. He grafted over forty varieties of stone fruit
trees on to a single tree. Among the fruits are peaches, plums, apricots,
nectarines and cherries. In spring the tree displays its marvellous beauty by
producing a variety of flowers in different colours, shapes and sizes.
This is not the first successful work or art of this
type for this professor. In a previous project called ‘Eden’, he had grafted
vegetables and flowers together. Then he came up with a large project for a
great orchard growing over forty varieties of stone fruit trees. When he could
not find the money to support such a large scheme, he came up with the idea of
having just one tree, but producing all these varieties of fruits on it.
It is great that an ART professor has mastered the
technology for this type of grafting. Could ‘art’ of this type be also of great
practical and commercial value to poorer farmers with only tiny plots of
cultivable land?
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