Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Poor Shafqat Amanat Ali ! He went to an audition with a national TV channel of Pakistan. He was rejected – the only one sent back among all those took part in the audition! He did not give up. He just worked harder and kept going, and look where he is now. 

BOSCONET has several people who go out on to the streets each day. They approach and talk to total strangers outside metro stations, malls, cinema halls, etc.  They explain our services for the poor and ask them to become a regular donor, signing up to contribute anywhere from Rs 300 to Rs 10,000 a month to support the education of needy children in India. 

The success rate of these young men and women is about one in thirty. After hearing a resounding “NO” 29 times they can hope to get one “Yes.” It takes a lot of dedication to their mission, and inexhaustible love for children to keep them going despite rejection, insults and humiliation. 

Robert Kiyasaki, the multi-millionaire businessman and writer says every young person should work as a house-to-house salesman at least for a year. Only then would he/she develop the thick skin needed to achieve great success in any field, and true greatness in life. They learn to reject rejection and keep working with a positive attitude, a smile on their face and love in their heart.

By the way, would you like to sign up to donate a minimum of Rs 300/= a month towards the education of needy children in India? If so, send me a message. THANKS.

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