Tuesday, July 22, 2014


In rural India participation rate of men in the workforce is 54.3% against 24.8% for women. In urban areas the corresponding figures are 54.6% and 14.7%. Overall, in our country, the participation of men and women in the workforce is 54.4% and 21.9%.

If women are not at work because they are giving their full attention to their children, how lucky our children are! Perhaps it is also because they are less educated and have less skills. Perhaps men refuse to allow their women to have a career of their own. Perhaps employers have sexist prejudices and do not want women among their staff.

If these latter are the reasons, it is unfortunate. What a loss to the economy; what a waste of human resources; what a speed-breaker to the development of our country. Above all, what disrespect and injustice towards half of humanity!

I am also wondering what the exact definition of ‘workforce’ is. If it includes all those who work, what exactly are more than half India doing? – studying? Growing up? Gallivanting? Living as parasites on the work of others? Enjoying the fruits of the sweat of their progenitors?

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