Wednesday, August 6, 2014


A man on a bike, with a lady as his pillion rider. He is driving fast. They come to a point where the road splits off into two – one rising up as a flyover and other a road at the ground level. He hesitates on the choice of road to take. At the last second he takes the flyover. The turn was so sudden that he loses control of the bike. They hit the wall of the flyover. Both of them fly forward, off the bike and down on to the road below the flyover.

The boy hits the road and falls unconscious (later, at the hospital, he is declared brain dead). The girl falls on to the roof of a van parked on the road below. She rolls over its windshield and falls to the ground. She picks herself up and shakes some dust off her clothes. She walks over to the boy and sees that he is unconscious (perhaps dead?). She searches the pockets of the man, takes his purse and mobile phone and coolly walks off the scene!

This is reported to have taken place in Chennai on Tuesday, 5 August.

What sort of relationship did these two people have? What made the girl go pillion riding with this boy? What sort of a human being would do what this girl did?

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