Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Sports writer, Greg Baum of Australia, wrote his piece on the world cup under the title, “Coarse tongues leave stain on the cup”. He wrote, “In a corner of the glowing image of Australia's World Cup triumph is a blot that no amount of rubbing ever will remove. It is the disposition of the Australians at the dismissals of three New Zealanders during a largely one-sided final.”

Obviously, not every Australian, whether cricket fan or not, approves of the behaviour of their team on the field. 

It is shocking that the captain and his team made extra efforts to be rude and impolite because they were irritated by the extremely gentlemanly behaviour of the New Zealand team in the course of their previous match. "They were that nice to us in New Zealand and we were that uncomfortable," Haddin told Triple M in Sydney. "I said in the team meeting: 'I can't stand for this any more. We're going at them as hard as we can.'

Is winning everything?  Do ends justify the means? How about a little respect for others? Greg Baum concludes his write-up with the beautiful words, “There is a difference between best and champion.” No point in being the best unless I can also truly feel in my heart as a champion should.

By the way, we are proud that Greg Baum is an alumnus of Don Bosco. We are glad, Greg, that you are happy with the victory of your team but sad about their manners.

Monday, March 30, 2015


Angelina Jolie gives a great message for children: “When I was little, I was told I was different. And I felt out of place – too loud, too full of fire, never good at sitting still, never good at fitting in.

“And then, one day, I realized something, something that I hope you all realize: Different is good.

“Don’t fit in. Don’t sit down. Don’t ever try to be less than what you are just because someone tells you that you are different. Smile. Hold your head high and be proud. And, as your villain, I would also say, cause a little trouble – it is good for you.”

Mark Twain said something similar a long time ago: “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

Be different. Be YOU and be proud to be YOU.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


In the holy town of Gaya a group of 40 beggars have got together to set up a ‘bank’. They do not have any documents to prove their identity, no proof of residence, no Aadhar card, and no property to pledge as security for a personal loan from banks. Hence they would be in deep trouble in emergencies. 

What they have organized is like a Self-Help Group. They contribute – ‘invest’ – Rs 20 a week, especially in the winter season when there is a large and steady flow of pilgrims to the city. In the lean season they borrow from the bank to make ends meet.

Beggars they may be, but they are intelligent. They understand their limitations. So, they have a manager, a treasurer and a secretary, who manage their affairs for them and keep everything transparent, accountable and in order.

It would certainly be desirable if they could push their self-help initiative a step further to finding a source of income other than begging; but, it does look like a good start !

Friday, March 27, 2015


BOSCONET is starting an "organization" of SENIOR  VOLUNTEERS. The organization is yet to be baptized with an appropriate name. 

The members will be senior citizens, who have expertise and time in abundance and would like to put them at the services of Don Bosco on a regular basis or as and when the need arises. 

We have the first member already - Mrs. Chandrika Dand of Mumbai. She has been giving tuition to children all her life and she is willing to do it now free of charge for the needy children cared for by Don Bosco. 


Everyone is invited to pas the information to anyone else who may be able to help is in one way or another - doctors, scientists, engineers, architects, teachers, lawyers, psychologists, sports-persons, writers, painters, artists, accountants, musicians, singers, choreographers, ............ The service of almost anyone under the sun could be useful for our work as they are so very varied and numerous!

Looking still also for an attractive name!

Pass the word !!!